Manteca, California

The low cost of living relative to Bay Area cities and Manteca’s small-town feel makes it a prime target for those looking to escape urban sprawl and secure a lower cost of living.

Manteca has incentivized commercial and industrial development for many years.In addition to its economic activities, Manteca has an emphasis on green initiatives. A Food-2-Energy program will use food waste to power the city’s truck fleet. The city is also planning to install a 2 or 3-megawatt solar farm to reduce the cost of operating municipal facilities.

The continuing population growth in Manteca is great for both commercial and industrial properties since they can expect a growing demand for their goods and services, as well as a large and growing labor force.

If you want to make the most of your real estate investments in Manteca, you need a guide that knows the area.

Northgate Commercial Realty has more than a decade of experience in the region and can guide you to the best properties for your business. Contact Northgate today and leverage our in-depth knowledge of Manteca to help you achieve your real estate goals.


For Sale | Office Space | 955 W Center Street, Manteca CA

955 West Center Street | Manteca, CA
Xavier Santana